Submit Your CV

The HR Bulb recruits candidates from entry to senior level. You can submit your CV and our hiring team will get in touch with you with the relevant and suitable jobs based on your education and experience.

Our AI match assistant matches your CV with all relevant and verified job openings and thereafter informs HR teams across companies to contact you.

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Apply for jobs at The HR Bulb

Targeted, verified and quick evaluation and hiring process. Quick response from hiring team.

  • Free job applications, no fee or payment needed.
  • Applications sent only to verified job posts by genuine and trusted companies.
  • Accurate profiles matched.
Land a job offer as quickly as three days

With the HR Bulb’s hiring and job matching process, you can land a job in as less as three working days.

  • The HR Bulb works directly with HR teams of small, medium and large organisations.
  • Your CV and job profile are matched before you are called for an interview.
  • From Client Servicing to Web Developers to Content Creators to Research Analyst, multiple hiring across all major cities in India.

To discuss positions available, call our hiring team at +91 8047360045 (10 Lines), +91 8076971094

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